Synthetic biology approaches to pattern formation

We are a Max Planck Research Group at the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society in Tübingen, Germany.

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Fluorescence microscopy images of prokaryotic protein systems reconstituted in vitro. Top row (first two on the left): MinD and MinE self-organize into traveling waves and quasi-stationary patterns on a supported lipid bilayer. Top row (last two on the right): MinDE self-organization leading to transport of cargo molecules via diffusiophoresis. Bottom row: Various structures formed by the M. xanthus PomXYZ system in vitro.

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Get in touch with Beatrice!

Prospective PhD students should apply to the International Max Planck Research School "From Molecules to Organisms". We currently have two PhD projects open:

  1. Understanding the self-organization of prokaryotic protein systems
  2. Visualizing the spatiotemporal dynamics and regulation of extracellular proteases